Thursday, December 6, 2012

THE END IS IN SIGHT....for this semester, yay!

So! It's been super stressful and busy. But what's new, right? The end is in sight but I've been neglectful about posting anything so here's a quick thing for an Illustration 2 assignment. We were to illustrate for a short story on and I picked Wild Things, a love story with haywire magic gone weird. One of the characters was caught in a magic outbreak in the swamp and was thus turned into this tree-man. I was imaging him unconscious and the roots and vegetation wrapping him into their embrace as he sank away, to be transformed. Kinda romantic and sexy-like. Here is the image i produced:

 So my next post should be putting up work from this (prolific compared to others) semester and perhaps a quick (or long) reflection about it. I am going on holiday(as the brits say), to SLO and S.D. to see family/friends so after that ya'll see lots more stuff. So if this is the last post till the next year (unless the apocalypse happens), enjoy you're special time with the people/pets/beer you love most.
Creative Commons License
This work by Abigail P Rocha is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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