Monday, February 25, 2013

One more thing.....

Just to wrap up last semester (for reals this time), my self portraits from Illustration 1, as an inspirational collected works poster. As well as something new from this semester of Illustration 3.

Might have been looking at victorian era illustrations while i was working on these two.
Illustrating the idiom, "Bending over Backwards". Aaaaw so cute! I think i just barfed a little. ;-D

Illustrating for an advice article where a gal is fed up with her "speedy" man in bed.
Go rocket man GO!

Anyways. I'm off! Hope to post up more soon.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Catching up on posting things from last semester.

So life has been GO GO GO! In a fun and interesting way. I had winter break so we went to S.L.O/San Diego to visit the family (yay!)and promptly got very sick upon our arrival home (boo!). However instead of bed rest, my boss needed me to work 40 hours(damn you people getting fired!) so I worked in the freezing cold docks of Fisherman's wharf which resulted in not getting any better and 3 weeks later, BAMN! oh hello again school! So here I am, 3 weeks in with shiny new work to post up but realizing i haven't finished posting up everything from last semester. Here is my attempt.

Illustration 1:

Let's start with a funny. The infamous Black Sabbath poster assignment. There are some that just refer to me as simply "Sabbath". Made the band members into a skull shape. Ink and brush. Killer right? Except for one thing....

Here's a lesson to you kids, when putting naked men into a made up arrangement, be careful about where you place pelvic areas in regards to fists....because otherwise it might look like porn. Never been so embarrassed in my life, I still turn red thinking about it. And to do this to my idols. FML. XD

Magic the Gathering Card Assignment:

Some green forest trampling snake with 6/6 power. Love MTG, but I could of done better. Acrylic.

CCA T-shirt Illustration.
This was fun I almost won a t-shirt done of the image. But something infinitely cuter won. Oh well. So it's fish eating each other, with mouths or shapes suggesting the "CCA" letters. In case you were curious, yes the illustrated fish was eating the fine art fish who in turn was eating the architect pro-tractor fish. LOL.

Imaginary place travel poster.

I chose hell. Specifically, Dante's inferno's hell. Because the giants look like mountains. And I hear it's always warm there. ;D

Illustration 2: 

Editorial assignment about Obama and Romney. Horray political cartoons! I've included the rough sketchs and my ideas. This was actually really fun and simple.

Charity Poster Assignment.  This assignment was for Edible Schoolyard, a non profit, worldwide educational organization about bringing sustainable gardens and such, to kids all over who might otherwise not have access. It was a cause I wholeheartedly believe in and is near to my heart. It was started here in Berkeley partly by Alice Waters, of Chez Panisse fame. I liked all the research involved, immersing one self in new knowledge is such a huge part of being an illustrator. To date this is the most colorful thing I've done. Gouache is fun!

Gilliam film festival poster.
Very excited about the assignment but not so hot about the outcome. I really want to rework it. Tara, a fellow student in class suggested adding red theatre curtains. An idea I really like. So disappointing when things don't turn out the way you envision. Ugh.
Here's a close up of my favorite bit though:
Anyway, it's time to go to History of Illustration class. Thanks for looking! Catch ya all later.

